As summer approaches, some homeowners turn their thoughts toward having a swimming pool installed. For others, however, the idea of yet another summer contending with an unwanted swimming pool is a source of dread. There are a lot of reasons that having a swimming pool can be a source of stress-not to mention a drain on your finances. It also means spending another summer without being able to get the most out of your yard.
Here have a look at the top reasons of swimming pool removal before summer sets in.
It Doesn’t Get A Lot Of Use
Your swimming pool might have been a great gathering place for the family years ago, but over time, many swimming pools begin to lose their appeal. This is particularly true for families as their children get older and leave the house. For some people, their interests may change over the years, while others find their pool gets less use because they have joined a gym that offers more attractive swimming facilities. Although you may have spent a lot of money on your pool over the years, there will be a point where removing it makes more sense from a financial standpoint. Even a pool that is not getting used often will still require resources that could be better spent elsewhere.
It Is Occupying Too Much Yard Space
If your swimming pool occupies a significant portion of your backyard, getting rid of it can free up space for so many other uses. For example, you might opt to build a deck for entertaining instead. Some homeowners might choose to install an outdoor kitchen or a fire pit where the pool was for entertaining on chilly evenings.
In some cases, simply filling the pool and covering the area with grass is all it takes to get new life out of the yard. A grass yard is perfect for running around, which is ideal for families with young children or pets. It is also a great place to play sports such as soccer or volleyball.
Homeowners with a green thumb might want to create the garden of their dreams in the space occupied by their pool. Whether you want to plant some colorful flowers in hopes of attracting butterflies or an organic vegetable garden as part of the sustainability movement, removing a swimming pool can give you a significant amount of space for all manner of gardening.
The Pool Needs A Major Overhaul
Pool problems such as chipping paint and equipment breakdowns can be expensive to repair while replacing an aging pool liner that requires retrofitting can cost five figures.
According to experts, once pools approach 10 to 12 years of age, owners can expect to start spending significant sums on renovating it or replacing its equipment. Plaster can cost around $10,000, while upgrading equipment can cost another $10,000. A pool removal can work out to be significantly cheaper than the repairs that are needed in many cases, particularly as the cost of pool repairs continues to soar. Many pool removal contractors say that business has been booming in recent years due to the rise in the cost of pool repairs and materials.
The Maintenance Costs Are Adding Up
Even if your swimming pool is in relatively good condition, the maintenance costs can really start to add up. Homeowners often pay several hundred dollars per month between weekly pool cleanings, water testing, filter replacement, and other types of maintenance. For those who are heating their pool, the energy expenses can be significant.
Some homeowners choose to carry out their own pool maintenance to save money, but this can become physically exhausting. Even those who can afford a weekly pool service will still find themselves skimming the surface and cleaning the bottom to remove debris every time they use the pool. Removing a swimming pool eliminates all the work involved in keeping it looking nice and safe for swimming.
You Have Safety Concerns
For many homeowners, owning a pool is a source of great stress. Even with proper safety fencing installed, there are still concerns that a child, pet, or elderly person could drown. Many parents want their kids to be able to go outside and enjoy playing ball in the yard without having to worry about them potentially falling into the pool.
In addition, the presence of a pool on the property can raise homeowners’ insurance premiums, while having a pool removed can bring homeowners insurance premiums down.
You Want To Improve Your Home’s Resale Prospects
While many people believe that removing a pool can decrease the value of their home, it actually has the opposite effect in many cases. If your swimming pool takes up a significant portion of your backyard, is in need of repairs, or is more than 30 years old, it could be damaging the value of your home.
There are also other cases where having a swimming pool can negatively affect a home’s value, such as if it is one of the only swimming pools in the neighborhood. This is also true in areas that only experience a few months of swimming weather each year.
Although swimming pools are beautiful and functional parts of a home that some buyers seek, there is a segment of prospective buyers who will not consider buying a home that has one. This may be the case for families with small children, for example, or those who are looking for a bigger yard and have no desire to swim. If you are considering selling your home and wondering how a pool removal could impact its value, it is best to ask a real estate agent for advice.
You Never Wanted A Swimming Pool In The First Place
One reason many homeowners consider having their pool removed is because they never wanted one in the first place. Some people may buy a home with a pool despite not wanting one if the home is otherwise perfect for them. It often makes sense to have the pool removed before moving in so the yard will be ready for different use.
Get In Touch With Northern Virginia Swimming Pool Removal Professionals
There are plenty of reasons that your swimming pool may no longer be working for you, and having it removed now can free up your yard for a more desirable purpose this summer. To learn more about the various removal options, get in touch with the pool removal experts at Dirt Connections today.

Dirt Connections was started with one goal in mind: providing quality residential and commercial construction services to clients on time and on budget. Reach out for more information on how we can support your next project.
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