It is a sad fact of life that most of us cannot have both a hot tub and a pool. While having both would be great, hot tubs and pools both represent a significant investment to install and can be expensive to maintain and repair.
In other words, most homeowners really cannot justify the expense of having both. Deciding between the two is difficult, though. If you live somewhere with a particularly hot or cold climate, the choice may be obvious.
For most of us, though, the decision is not that clear-cut, and even if you live somewhere that is hot year round or cold year-round, you may want to read on. We will break down the various advantages of hot tubs and pools and help you to understand which one is better – hot tub vs pool – for your wants and needs.
Pools: the Pros and Cons
The most obvious benefit of a pool is being able to swim in cool water on a hot summer day. There is no better way to cool off in the heat, and spending a lazy day in the pool is a classic summer pastime.
Pools are also very kid-friendly. You would be hard-pressed to find a kid that does not love pools, and you probably have plenty of your own memories of summer days spent in your pool or a friend’s pool. For families with children, pools may be the best choice.
In addition, pools offer more recreation and exercise than hot tubs. There are all sorts of games that can be played in pools, and all of them involve physical activity.
The biggest downsides of owning a pool are that they require near constant maintenance and cleaning, and they can be expensive to operate because of the pumps and the amount of water needed.
Hot Tubs: the Pros and Cons
You will not get much exercise in a hot tub, but they do offer their own health benefits. The hot water can relieve aching joints and muscle soreness, and improve circulation, both of which can improve your sleep at night.
Hot tubs are ideal for relaxation. They lack the excitement of a pool, but they make up for it with soothing hot water and massaging jets. At the end of a long day, there is nothing better than lowering yourself into a bubbling hot tub.
Hot tubs require far less maintenance than pools and they cost less to buy, install, and operate. This is largely due to the fact that they are smaller, require less water, and are almost always above-ground rather than dug into the ground.
The major downside is that no hot tub can compete with a pool in terms of size, hot tubs are mostly useless on hot days and they are less kid-friendly.
How to Decide on a Hot Tub vs Pool
Making the decision between a hot tub and a pool comes down mostly to personal preference and budget. Installation, maintenance and repair costs for a hot tub will always be more affordable than pools. There is simply no way around the fact that pools are more expensive.
Hot tubs are not exactly cheap, though, so the cost difference may be less of an issue than many think. The following are the things we think are most important to consider when deciding between a hot tub and a pool.
If relaxation is what you want, a hot tub is the better choice. Yes, you can relax in a pool. In fact, floating in a nice, cool pool on a hot day is one of the most relaxing things imaginable. However, if you have joint pain, want to relieve sore muscles, or just enjoy the sensation of relaxing in hot water while the jets massage your back, a hot tub is the obvious choice.
If you are looking for fun, either for yourself, your kids, or for entertaining larger crowds, a pool is the way to go. A pool undoubtedly provides more in terms of fun and entertainment. Pools have the space for more people to enjoy at once, and there are endless activities to be done in a pool.
Do You Have Kids?
Few children would choose a hot tub over a pool, and a hot tub is typically enjoyed by adults. On the one hand, if you have kids that enjoy swimming, a pool may be a better choice. On the other hand, if you are looking for something to help you relax while the kids play or do homework, a hot tub is a good choice. Or, if you simply want something the whole family can enjoy together, a pool might be a better option.
Hot vs Cold
Which sounds better to you: warming up on a cool day or cooling down on a hot day? Would you rather let the hot water soothe your sore muscles or refresh yourself with a dip in cool water? How many truly hot days do you get where you live compared to cold days? These are questions to ask yourself before you commit to a hot tub or a pool. More hot days might mean a pool is better. If you prefer hot water, a hot tub is a better choice.
Getting Expert Help with Pool or Hot Tub Installation
In the hot tub vs pool debate, the ultimate winner will depend entirely on your personal preferences. There are people in Texas with hot tubs and people in Minnesota with pools, so even the climate angle is not the most important deciding factor.
No matter which one you choose, you are going to need to either excavate a lot of dirt or level an area using fill dirt for the installation. For either job, you need the contractors at Dirt Connections. They are experts in leveling, excavating and dirt removal. Whether you choose a hot tub or a pool, they can help make the installation process easier.