Although a swimming pool can provide a lot of fun and entertainment for the family, there often comes a time when having a pool is undesirable. Whether it is lack of use, the need for expensive repairs, or concerns about safety and ongoing expenses, there are many situations where having a pool removed makes sense. Here is a look at when you should consider a pool removal service.
Your Pool Is in a State of Disrepair
Many people who are facing the prospect of expensive pool repairs consider having their pool removed entirely. In some cases, it is more affordable than carrying out the needed repairs; in others, it may be a solution that pays off in the long term as it eliminates ongoing maintenance expenses. If your swimming pool exhibits these signs it could make removal a more attractive option:
Cracked Pool Walls
When your swimming pool’s walls start showing cracks, they cannot be ignored. Cracks often result in water leakages. This can cause significant wastage of water, and it can also erode and weaken the soil surrounding the structure of your pool.
Many times, these cracks are the result of a poor structural design, insufficient sealing, or the use of low-quality cement. Regardless of the cause, this is one problem that can require very costly repairs.
Peeling Plaster
If your pool has been surfaced with plaster, the chemicals that are used to clean the swimming pool can eventually erode it when they are not properly mixed. If you notice the plaster wearing thin in certain areas, peeling away or cracking, it is important to have a pool contractor drain the pool and assess the damage.
It will need to be repaired if you wish to continue using the pool. However, if you feel that you are not getting a lot of use out of the pool, this may be a good moment to have it removed and repurpose your yard.
Dirty Pool Water
If your swimming pool’s water is being treated regularly with appropriate chemicals but continues to be cloudy or dirty, there could be a problem with the pool’s pipework. For example, debris could be blocking the pipes and reducing the flow of water through the filters. This means that no matter how much the pool is treated, the pool will remain dirty.
Another potential cause of filthy pool water is a blocked sand filter. Water may be flowing through the pool’s pipework correctly, but if the sand filter is blocked, it will never get fully clean. This is something that needs to be changed every three to five years.
It may also be a faulty pool pump that is failing to filter or circulate water through the pool properly. If you are also noticing strange sounds or periodic shutdowns, the pool pump could be to blame.
Many of the problems that can cause dirty pool water require major repairs. It is best to have a pool contractor troubleshoot the issue and recommend the best way forward.
You Do Not Have Enough Space in Your Yard For Leisure and Entertainment
If your pool occupies a significant portion of your backyard, this can severely limit the use you get out of your yard. If your family is not particularly fond of swimming, it is time to consider a pool removal service so you can free up valuable yard space for other uses.
Keep in mind that a pool can typically only be used in warm weather, while other uses can enable your family to enjoy the backyard throughout the year. Whether you wish to plant a garden, build an outdoor kitchen or fire pit, or simply create a large grassy space for children and pets to run around, removing your swimming pool is a big step toward the yard of your dreams.
You Are No Longer Using the Pool
If your pool is not used and maintained regularly, it can become a safety hazard. Even if you have emptied the pool, it will still collect water in heavy rain and snow that will grow stagnant with time, creating the opportunity for bacteria to grow and attracting pests.
In addition, any water that collects in the pool can present a drowning risk for pets and small children. If you are no longer using your pool, it is best to hire a pool removal service to eliminate this hazard from your yard.
You’ve Purchased a New Home With a Pool and Don’t Expect to Use It
When buying a new home, some people find that a home that checks off a lot of points on their wish list may have one or two features that they do not need or want. If you have just bought a home that otherwise meets your needs but comes with an unwanted pool, you should consider removing it right away.
The cost of removing the pool can form a part of your new home’s repair and remodeling budget. If you will be making other renovations to the home before you move in, it is best to have the pool removal carried out at the same time to minimize disruptions once you are comfortably inside. It will also mean that you can start preparing the yard for whatever use you have in mind much faster.
Your Insurance and Energy Bills Are Too High
In addition to the expenses that are directly linked to the pool itself, such as water treatment and maintenance, having a swimming pool can increase your insurance and energy bills. Homeowner’s insurance is higher on properties that have a pool, and if you are moving out and renting your property to other parties, the legal liabilities may become too high to justify continuing to have a pool.
Likewise, if you are looking for a way to reduce your energy bills, using a pool removal service to have it removed can make a big difference, particularly if you use a heater to keep your pool warm.
Contact the Pool Removal Experts
If you find yourself in one or more of these situations, contact the Northern Virginia pool removal experts at Dirt Connections. Our team offers professional pool removal and demolition services at reasonable prices for pools of all sizes and conditions.

Dirt Connections was started with one goal in mind: providing quality residential and commercial construction services to clients on time and on budget. Reach out for more information on how we can support your next project.
For your convenience our estimates are free and by appointment. Call 703-940-9949 for a free estimate today!